The company’s approach to business operation encompasses not only the importance of research and development of high-quality innovative products, but also the awareness and responsibility for the environment. One of our primary objectives is to invent new products while protecting and nurture the environment and ecosystem as well as revitalize biological diversity, following the international standards, non-profit organization that sets the standards for environmentally and socially responsible forest management.
operators in wood substitute industry that receives FSCTM C119407’s Certification both in Forest Management Certification (FSCTM-FM) and Chain of Custody Certification (FSCTM-CoC).This success in sustainable forest plantation management is in significant part thanks to the support from the local communities situating around the company’s plants. This brings great confidence to all our customers that Panel Plus not only provide international standard quality products but also ensure that we strongly desire to be a part of a responsible consumption of forest resources. And the company intentionally work our best to keep all natural resources to stay in balance as our priority goal.